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fix: install MediaArea packages only from official MediaArea repo

Jörg Sachse requested to merge fix-MediaArea-pkgs into master


  • Run molecule verify stage during GitLab-CI
  • Bump MediaArea repository package version to 1.0-24
  • Make sure to install MediaArea packages (mediaconch, mediainfo and dependencies) only from the official MediaArea repo
  • Clean up all the places where we installed mediaconch/mediainfo before
  • Add tests to make sure that mediaconch can be run as expected


Previous versions of this role did not distinguish between mediaconch/mediainfo being installed from EPEL or directly from MediaArea. That meant that nonfunctional versions of the MediaArea tools might get installed on RHEL 8, resulting in broken file validation/MDextraction. After @romeyke noticed that there's a problem with validation on SLUB's Rosetta servers, we have added these changes to make sure the correct version is installed.

Before fixing, we encountered these errors when invoking mediaconch:

mediaconch: symbol lookup error: mediaconch: undefined symbol: _ZN6ZenLib4File4OpenERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEENS0_8access_tE
mediaconch: symbol lookup error: mediaconch: undefined symbol: _ZN12MediaInfoLib9MediaInfo13Option_StaticERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEES8_


If your server already has the wrong versions installed, please resolve the situation manually before running this Ansible role again. Ansible has no way of reinstalling a package from another repo.

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